Lily Allen Orders: Don’t Play My Music in Lifts
GUESS what? Lily Allen is talking again, this time, saying that we shouldn’t play her music in public because it makes her hide under tables.
She says: “Usually if I’m in a club and my music comes on I find the nearest table and hide underneath it. That’s generally how I deal with it.
“It’s quite funny because in some places they think that’s the appropriate thing to do when someone like myself walks in is to play their song. I think I might be different to most people in the sense that I react: I’m horrified when that happens and hide. I’m sure some people get on the table and dance ‘Woo hoo! This is great.’ But I can’t do that.”
Funnily enough, there’s a lot of people who have tried to hide their ears when some of Lily’s most-recent work hits the club.
It shouldn’t be too much of a problem for Lily these days though, as she’s not hitting the dancefloor as frequently as she used to. Something which she is kinda relieved about.
Once, she mey Jay Z.
“I made a complete tit out of myself. I don’t know why I’m reliving that experience with you but I was quite inebriated and desperately wanted him to accept me into his realm of amazingness. The more drunk I got, the more ‘No’ he was. It just got very embarrassing,” she recalled.
“It was because a friend of mine Ken Friedman, is a part owner in the Spotted Pig with Jay Z. I’d played a concert in New York and Ken said, ‘Hey, let’s go back to my place and have a party upstairs.’ We got there and Jay Z was there with John McEnroe and Lars Ulrich. We were having a party upstairs, I was being a dickhead and Jay Z was like, ‘Get that girl out of here, because she’s really annoying.’ It was all downhill from there.”
She should’ve beat him up in a lift.
Posted: 12th, May 2014 | In: Celebrities 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink