Justin Bieber: Celebrating Another Day Not Being Punched In The Throat
MAKE no mistake about it – Justin Bieber is a little turd.
However, this is not necessarily an insult to the gyrating singer. See, if there’s anything we all want out of a popstar, it is occasional bad behaviour…
If not, you end up with a sea of Olly Murs sorts, and that ladies and gentlefolk, is a situation worse than being water boarded with your own petrified urine.
Did you see Bieber’s deposition interview? If you did, fan or not, you have probably lost a couple of front teeth after you gnashed them away with frustration.
However, there’s something utterly marvellous about the video too – a complete and utter contempt for authority.
In the Marlon Brando film, The Wild One, Mildred says: “Hey Johnny, what are you rebelling against?” to which Johnny replies, with the marvellous: “Whadda you got?”
The entertainment industry has a long, rich history of providing little shits to enjoy, filled with this quote in their head and too dumb and too rich to ever step out of it. It deserves thunderous applause too.
Why? Because they’re never far away from being in bother again.
This week, Justin Bieber has been accused of attempted robbery! See? He’s fantastically wealthy yet still feels the pull of shitty behaviour.
Detectives are still vetting the complaint and haven’t decided whether it is credible enough to merit interviewing Bieber, according to Officer Rosario Herrera of the Los Angeles Police Department. Because interviewing him, as we know from the video above, is life sapping.
But what happened?
Apparently, Bieber was at Sherman Oaks Castle Park where you can play miniature golf and have a go on the arcade machines, and Bieber was with chums and they all demanded a woman’s phone so JB could delete any photos she may have taken of him.
She refused, according to the report. He decided to take it. He eventually gave it back to her so she could unlock it and prove she had not taken any photos.
At some point, he’s going to get a smack in the mouth, which will be equally hilarious as his snotty behaviour. But seriously, while you think you’re annoyed by Bieber, chances are you’ve loved another celebrity for exactly the same reasons. The real winners? Not these rich kids in the goldfish bowl, but us, who can sit in our pants on the sofa, lapping it all up.
Posted: 14th, May 2014 | In: Celebrities 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink