
Anorak News | ‘We Go To The Gallery’: Enjoy Miriam Elia’s Twisted Spoof On The Peter & Jane Books

‘We Go To The Gallery’: Enjoy Miriam Elia’s Twisted Spoof On The Peter & Jane Books

by | 16th, May 2014

peter and jane

‘WE Go To The Gallery’ is artist Miriam Elia’s twist on Ladybird children’s books Peter & Jane.

Miriam Elia cover

Miriam Elia 2

Says the artist:

“I had the idea two years ago.  wanted to do a satirical version of those old I-Spy books from the 60s where you’re supposed to tick off everything you see but they’re really predictable. Then, because I collect Ladybird books, the two things came together, and the first image I composed was the ‘God is dead’ image.”

 Miriam Elia

And then Penguin told her to stop making the books because they owned the copyright.

“I’ve been talking to them a lot and suggesting ways around the problem. And they do understand. There’s no malice, but it’s harsh because they can destroy the work. I just want it to be appreciated. It was supposed to be an homage to Ladybird – and a bit of a satirical comment on the art world, I suppose.”

jane 3

And child or parent confused as to what is the original and what is the parody, should know that Miriam’s books cost £20 and Peter & Jane were so traumatised by trips to the library, beach and the carnival they refused to ever grow up…

jane 2


Miriam Elia 1

Spotter: Dazed & Confused. Buy her work here.

Posted: 16th, May 2014 | In: Books, Key Posts 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink