
Anorak News | How To Have More Sex – The Huge Secret Is Out

How To Have More Sex – The Huge Secret Is Out

by | 19th, May 2014

how to


ONCEĀ again the scientists have come to our rescue, explaining one of the world’s great mysteries. Why is it that some people en up having more sex with more people than some others? We could posit that good looking people have more offers. Or that intelligent people know how to manipulate people into offering it. Or rich people flash the cash and get offered it. Or, well, come up with your own theory, why not?

As it happens this vital research has been one for us and the answer is that more highly sexed people get more sex:

How intensely a person responds to sexual images can be linked his or her number of sexual partners, according to a new study.

Researchers at the University of California of Los Angeles asked 40 male and 22 female subjects how many sex partners they had last year before they showed them 225 images, both sexual and non-sexual.

The researchers analyzed subjects’ ‘late positive potential, which reacts to images depending on their emotional intensity,’ by using an electroencephalogram (EEG), according to a press release. People with more sex partners reacted in the same way when they looked at ‘graphic and less-graphic’ images.

The way to read that is to understand that the people who got damp gussets when looking at pictures of people, whether sexual or not, had more sexual partners. Or, to make it even more simple, the people who were more interested in sex in the first place had more sex.

This makes sex just like anything else desirable: it’s something that one has to work at to get more of. And with booty, at least booty with new and potentially more interesting people, it’s a matter of how many people you ask which will determine how many you get to make the two backed beast with. And this research shows us that those who are, from the start, more interested in the general idea go off and ask more people and thus have more shags.

And when you put it that way, simplifying it down, it’s not really certain that we need the scientists to tell us this, is it? Although there’s a certain temptation for us here at Anorak to apply for the grants so that we can check this out. Sufficient to send all of us on a pub crawl for a few months: we’ll just ask all the people we meet whether they’d fancy a bit. The prediction is that the more people we ask the more sex we’ll get. So, where do we apply?

Posted: 19th, May 2014 | In: Money, Reviews Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink