
Anorak News | Justin Bieber Fans Torture Iggy Pop And The Dalai Lama And Karl Lagerfeld Are Baldy Beaten

Justin Bieber Fans Torture Iggy Pop And The Dalai Lama And Karl Lagerfeld Are Baldy Beaten

by | 19th, June 2014



AMNESTY International’s new campaign features a tortured Iggy Pop saying “The future of rock is Justin Bieber”. The message is “Torture a man and he’ll tell you what you want to hear”. Also, the Dalai Lama  (“A man who does not have a Rolex at 50 years of age is a failure”) and fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld (“The height of elegance is the Hawaiian shirt with flip-flops.”).






For a wonderful look at Amnesty, your should read Peter Benenson and Amnesty International, by Kirsten Sellars.



Posted: 19th, June 2014 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink