
Anorak News | Justin Bieber Uses Wash And God To Deep-Clean His Soul

Justin Bieber Uses Wash And God To Deep-Clean His Soul

by | 22nd, June 2014



LATE breaking news on Anorak is that Justin Bieber has reacted to the footage of his adolescent self telling funnies about “niggers” by taking a bath.

The story goes that singer was ready to drop his pull-ups and get into the font for a re-baptising. But unable to find a church that would keep the event a secret, he arranged for New York Pastor Carl Lentzto to cleanse the Bieber soul in a bathtub.

A quick spritz and your alleged racism is vanished. Someone should can this stuff and sell it outside courtrooms and confession booths. Maybe the reverse is true and a free chamois leather could make the BNP or KKK massively popular?

Bath taken. And Bieber’s mentor, Usher, is impressed:

“What he is now is a young man faced with an opportunity to become his best self, an example to the millions of kids that follow him to not make the same mistakes.”

Right now millions of these kids are having baths to get rid of bad school reports, Holocaust denial, calling that girl with the frizzy hair a ‘spaz’, blowing out the 8 candles on their brother’s birthday cake, scrawling ‘Enoch Was Right’ on their vest, leaving the freezer door ajar…

Posted: 22nd, June 2014 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink