Jake Bugg Hates Music Festivals – Doesn’t Mind Sexism
EVEN though you may have guessed it from his permanently surly face (he’s too cool to smile), Jake Bugg has said he hates music festivals.
And who can blame him? It is filled with people who like watching white men with dreadful haircuts play backward facing dadrock who are too cool to sm… wait a minute!
The pint-sized miserablist said:
“I hate music festivals so much, but obviously to be this high up on the line-up and to be playing [at Glastonbury] is a privilege,” he told NME. “But the actual experience of festivals I could really do without.”
Jake Bugg there, headlining at a festival where loads of people want to pour adoration on his gloomy little thatched head.
“This is my third Glastonbury,” he added. “I remember going out onto the Pyramid Stage last year and seeing so many blurred faces. It was much bigger than I thought it was going to be, I couldn’t really believe it to be honest. It was a bit too early for me to care – it was 3pm and it was a bit too early for a show for me. Whereas tonight I’m on pretty late – it’s a big slot for me.”
It seems that Bugg prefers to indulge in a bit of sexism instead, as a new photo of a teaser for some shit or other made its way online this week.
Even when surrounded by naked women, Bugg can’t muster up the enthusiasm for a smile. Even if he hates the sexism of the photo, he seems to hate standing up and holding a guitar as well, which is his job.
Seriously. Look at him. He’s got a face like a ripped couch.
Maybe Bugg is miserable because he has a summer filled with festival appearances ahead of him, with the British Summer Time event in London’s Hyde Park and shows at the Reading & Leeds Festivals.
Someone spike him with pure MDMA before his raincloud envelopes the whole of the Northern Hemisphere.
Posted: 5th, July 2014 | In: Music 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink