
Anorak News | The Greatest Female Superheroes!

The Greatest Female Superheroes!

by | 30th, July 2014

IF you go down the comic book shop (and you should – they are never as intimidating and bewildering as you might think), you’ll notice that there’s a lot of men reading comic about other men.

To say comicsville is a bit of a sausagefest is an understatement.

However, that isn’t to say that things aren’t being done about and, more to the point, the small matter of their being a history of cool women in comics and graphic novels. And have you seen the amount of amazing women in amazing costumes at the various Comic Con shindigs around the world?


In the news this week, Guardians of the Galaxy screenwriter Nicole Perlman, the first woman to be credited on a Marvel film, which is great news. And now, it seems, there’s going to be a film developed which focuses on a female superhero.

You may have heard that Thor is now a woman – not gender realignment surgery, but rather, the powers have been passed-on and now, Thor is a female.

The women of Watchmen are pretty fantastic and X-Men has some ace female characters.

So, let us celebrate the women of comic fiction and you can decide which one you’d like to see in a film in the future (of course, they won’t all be Marvel, but as soon as they do it, you bet your sweet arse the rest of the field will want to get in on it). We can only hope they’ll be better than Supergirl and Spiderwoman’s screen representations.

Please note, we’re aware that some of these have been in films already, but it isn’t like Hollywood is shy of a reboot at the minute.

Wonder Woman


Everyone knows Wonder Woman as she’s one of the most famous superpeople ever!  One-third of DC Comics’ The World’s Finest Trinity with Batman and Superman and has whipped her Lasso of Truth in the successful TV of the 70s and the less successful version in the ’00s. Why she hasn’t had a film yet is something of a mystery.



Goth-face Raven is the product of a human mum and an inter-dimensional demon father (and you thought your parents’ divorce was hard), raised in an alternate dimension and in possession of an incredibly dry wit. She was rejected by the Justice League of America, so helped set up the Teen Titans.



Get this – Vampirella is a vampire because she needs blood to survive, however, she doesn’t have any of the usual weaknesses you associated with vampires, which is cool right? Sent to Earth to kill all the evil vampires, she could make for a tip-top film.

The Runaways


The Runaways are a group of teenagers who run away from home. Why? Basically, they see their families murder and sacrifice an innocent girl for some grim ritual purposes. Then they find out that one of them is part-alien and another is a mutant. There’s only one thing for it – SUPERHERODOM! Could make for a great film that appeals to young women.

Ms Marvel

ms marvel

Carol Danvers accidentally gets subjected to the same super duper radiation that transformed Captain Marvel, and subsequently her, into superhumans. Ms. Marvel can cut it alone, as part of the Avengers and, in the mantle of Captain Marvel. Could she have her own film in the making?

Black Canary/Birds of Prey


There’s been more than one Black Canary and there’s a lot of history to play with, not to mention the fact that the current BC is part of the super ace female crime-fighting team, Birds of Prey. Who wouldn’t wanna see that?

Red Sonja

red sonja

Game of Thrones angle here, and Red Sonja is referred to as the “She-Devil With A Sword.” She’s bad-ass and there’s dragons and all that fantasy stuff that people gobble up. Want some tragedy? She got her superhuman powers in exchange for a vow that she’d never love any man who could not defeat her in fair combat.

Harley Quinn


Comic Con outfit fave, Harleen Quinzel, is the Arkham quack who hooked up with the Joker. She is also a member of the brilliantly named Suicide Squad.



Want something pompously grand? How about an Egyptian slave girl and lover of the Queen who gets betrayed by all and transformed into a vampire by Rath’s blood? That could make for a preposterously fun movie.

Posted: 30th, July 2014 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink