
Anorak News | Nine-Year-Old Shoots Uzi Instructor: NRA Just Tweets ‘7 Ways Children Can Have Fun at the Shooting Range’

Nine-Year-Old Shoots Uzi Instructor: NRA Just Tweets ‘7 Ways Children Can Have Fun at the Shooting Range’

by | 28th, August 2014

FOLLOWING the news that a  nine-year-old girl accidentally shot dead her Uzi instructor in La Vegas, NRA Women tweeted out a few words to the wise:


Screen shot 2014-08-28 at 17.10.14


Tips on keeping your minors focused on the targte are:

 “[I]f children continually shoot the same bull’s-eye target, they can become tired, exhausted or bored. Sometimes they want, or rather need, to have fun at the range. That’s when it’s time to introduce other types of targets to change things up, so children have fun at the range.”
Release the pets…
Note: we meant that as a joke. But it tusn out the pets are targets, too:

Animal shaped targets

These targets are fun to shoot while sighting in for hunting season. They also come in handy in showing new shooters where the kill-zone is on an animal. Targets with images of all sorts of species are offered byBirchwood Casey ($12.70). LG and friends shot paper rabbit, squirrel and deer targets at a recent competition.

squirrel dead

Posted: 28th, August 2014 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink