
Anorak News | Police Chief Decapitated Boy’s Noisy Pet Chicken

Police Chief Decapitated Boy’s Noisy Pet Chicken

by | 3rd, September 2014

chicken head


“THE chicken was like a puppy dog to my son,” said Ashley Turnbull of Atwater, Minnesota of her son Phoenix and his pet hen. “You wouldn’t do that to a puppy.”

The chicken is now dead. The bird’s head was found by its pen. The body was gone.

The bird was illegal, falling foul (surely fowl – ed) of the local law prohobiting the keeping of birds on private property.


chicken head 1


Police Chief Trevor Berger was keen to enforce the city ordinance.

“I’m sorry it had to happen that way,” said Berger. “It’s against city ordinance for a chicken to be in the city and running around in people’s yards.”

He went round to the property. Finding no-one at home he took the law into his own hands. He spotted the hen at large. He opened the pen door and tried to usher the hen back inside.

“I feel like I made a good effort to get it back in,” he says.

But when the family’s other two chickens and two ducks started to get out, Berger closed the door, took hold of a nearbye a shovel and “dispatched” the chicken. He says the head fell off as he carried the carcass away.

He has no regrets. “I guess I don’t regret it, because it’s like taking care of any rodent in town,” he said.

Berger said he intends to present a proposed ordinance to allow chickens in the city, that the council asked him to prepare earlier this year.

Posted: 3rd, September 2014 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink