
Anorak News | Kay Burley Calls IndyRef ‘Yes’ Campaigner A ‘Nob’ And Worse

Kay Burley Calls IndyRef ‘Yes’ Campaigner A ‘Nob’ And Worse

by | 18th, September 2014

Sky News presenter Kay Burley reads from a card with the wrong spelling of Kirkcaldy written on the back, at the Adam Smith College - where the count for Gordon Brown's Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath Constituency was held in the General Election. Picture date: Friday, May 7, 2010.

Sky News presenter Kay Burley reads from a card with the wrong spelling of Kirkcaldy written on the back, at the Adam Smith College – where the count for Gordon Brown’s Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath Constituency was held in the General Election.
Picture date: Friday, May 7, 2010.


THE increasingly bizarre Kay Burley has been doing her thing on Sky News again, this time referring to a Yes campaigner in the Scottish Independence Referendum as ‘a bit of a nob’.

We should hold our own referendum on the spelling of nob/knob when referring to the male genitalia.

Anyway, the Sky News presenter passed judgement on-air when she seemed to be having a chat with someone in the studio about whether or not she should show off a photograph she’d taken on her phone.

“But if I show… ‘cos he looks like a bit of a knob,” you hear Burley saying. When she realises she’s on camera, she quips: “We’ve got one or two Yes campaigners here getting a little bit lairy. Let me just show you, I took a picture of you a little bit earlier on. There you go.”

“He’s got his balloons and he’s checking his phone as well. Wants to take us off air, obviously that’s not gonna happen.”



Kay Burley has apologised for the incident, saying:

Of course, this is Kay Burley who basically railroaded Peter Andre until he cried on the television and had a massive ding-dong with MP Chris Bryant.



Burley also, notoriously, upset loads of people when she showed gigantic insensitivity while breaking the news of the probable death of missing five-year-old April Jones to crying volunteers live on air.

The interviewees were unaware that the case had become a murder inquiry, and of course, Burley was all to happy to let them know while someone stuck a camera in their face.



She recently signed a new five-year contract with Sky, obviously.

Posted: 18th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink