
Anorak News | Jasmine Tridevil: Want To See The Surgery Video?

Jasmine Tridevil: Want To See The Surgery Video?

by | 23rd, September 2014

jasmine tridevil


HAVING realised that two fake Jordans is hackneyed, Alisha Hessler got three boobs and changed her name to Jasmine Trivdevil.

The Sun has shared a few words with the model – although the paper’s  “exclusive” lacks any of the details we found out abut the newest sensation, such as her police booking photo for an alleged fraud, a bout of man-shaming (a crime that happened because she – and only she – said it had)  and a massage with with a Happy Meal.

But we do hear Hassler say:

“This is not a fake. I had the procedure done. If people don’t believe it, that’s up to them… My film crew took footage of the surgery. I plan to release it on my reality TV show and I don’t really care what people think or say about me.”

So long as they’re talking about here that’s all that matters. It worked for Josie Cunningham

PS – yes, show the video, Jasmine. It’s just that the woman with three breasts is a story without a shred of proof.


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Posted: 23rd, September 2014 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink