Arsenal Balls: Chelsea’s Cesc Fabregas Overlooks Ramsay To Blame Ozil For His Disloyalty
CHELSEA mifielder Cesc Fabregas “reveals how Mesut Ozil BLOCKED Arsenal return”.
The Express adds:
CHELSEA star Cesc Fabregas has revealed that Arsenal rejected the opportunity to sign him from Barcelona because they already had Mesut Ozil.
He’s revealed that? Because back in June, Fabregas ‘revealed‘:
‘We talked with Wenger but he said that he would find it difficult to make a place for me on the pitch as Ozil had my position covered,’ Fabregas told a news conference at Spain’s World Cup base.
Now he reveals:
…Fabregas admitted that Arsenal were his first choice ahead of Chelsea, but that the arrival of Ozil the year before blocked his chances of a return.
What did he say?
“I was always going back to the Premier League because, to me, there’s no other league around the world that’s better than it. They could have said ‘yes’ but they decided not to. They told me now Ozil was there, there was no need for me.”
Always coming back to the Premier League? Odd. Because Cesc said a year ago:
“When I arrived at Barcelona I already knew there were other places where I could earn more or where I could have more minutes, but coming to Barca was my dream. It was my dream since I was small. I wouldn’t go, not even for double the money.“
One year on and:
…Fabregas, on around £100,000-a-week at Barcelona, will nearly double his money at Chelsea
As for Ozil taking your place, Cesc, what Arsene Wenger said was:
“I have no regret about that at all. My regret is that he left… It was difficult for him to leave us, but after that you accept he can move to some different clubs,” he added…. “What is good in life is that someone moves out and someone else takes over and he has developed,” he said. “He [Aaron Ramsay] is younger than Cesc and the potential is there to get more out of him.”
So. It’s Ramsey who replaced Fabregas, the player who was so desperate to leave Arsenal for his beloved Barcelona that he took a pay cut. Is Cesc trying to have his cake and eat it?
He adds:
“Arsenal had the first option – it was written in the contract – and so they could have said ‘yes’ but they decided not to. They told me now Ozil was there, there was no need for me. That’s life. No problem. We move on. Life moves on. Football moves on. Changing clubs is part of the game and people must remember it was Arsenal who didn’t take up the buy-back option for me.”
Arsenal fans might laugh at how their club didn’t want to buy back the player who was so keen to leave them. But he seems to have missed the that.
“I can understand some people at Arsenal are sad, some people are upset, some people are even angry. But I have to look after myself. I had to make a decision. Any team I would have gone to, apart from Arsenal, it would have been bad to them.”
And the more he talks and talka about Arsenal, the more you feel that Cesc Fabregas is starting to realise that life as a football mercenary just means that no-one ever loves you and no team is ever home. To Chelsea fans Fabregas is the player who Arsenal didn’t want; to Arsenal fans he’s the captain who agitated for a move and left the first chance he got; and to Barcalona fans he’s a disappointment…
Posted: 25th, September 2014 | In: Arsenal, Chelsea, Sports Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink