
Anorak News | Donald Trump Falls Foul of Fred West Prank (Photo)

Donald Trump Falls Foul of Fred West Prank (Photo)

by | 29th, September 2014

OH dear.

We know Donald Trump is a bit thick, but today he excelled himself… and that’s saying something.

In the past, he’s spat that Barack Obama isn’t a real American, demanding to see passports and all that, while back in the ’70s, he was accused of being a massive racist when he called for the death penalty in full page adverts of three black teenagers who were accused of raping a jogger, but exonerated. Oh, and in a book, John R. O’Donnell – former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino – said that Donald once uttered that “laziness is a trait in blacks”.

This isn’t all old news though. Only last year, Trump tweeted that: “According to Bill O’Reilly, 80% of all the shootings in New York City are blacks-if you add Hispanics, that figure goes to 98%, 1% white”.

He’s also made wild claims that vaccines are related to autism, which has been proven to be a complete crock.

So what is he up to now? Well, today, he tweeted a nice photograph of murderers Fred and Rose West, because he’ll unthinkingly do things without a clue as to whether or not they’re dodgy or not.

Of course, on the chance someone points out his error, we were smart enough to get a screengrab.


donald trump fred west


Of course, the impish @feckhead was playing a prank on him. You have to assume that the joker never thought Trump would actually do it, but it is always worth a speculative punt when dealing with someone who is prone to doing things before kicking his brains into gear.

We eagerly await the furious tweet from Trump when he realises what’s gone on and the inevitable ‘some people are sick’ rebuttal as his flustered flunkies try and straighten his frankly bizarre hair.

Grab the popcorn.

Posted: 29th, September 2014 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts, Reviews 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink