British Passengers Screened For Ebola, UKIP And AIDS As Panic Spreads In The Media
EBOLA is in the UK. Well, maybe:
The Telegraph says Ebola “may” be in Britain.
To put that another way:
The Daily Mail does what it does best: shouts ‘fire’ in a crowded theatre:
What’s going on at the borders?
The Metro says passengers will be checked fior Ebola.
The Mail wonders why passengers won’t be screened for Ebola.
The Metro sums up.
Of course, one idea might be to stop anyone with a disease from entering the UK. Then pull up the drawbridge and forcibly covert non-white Christians to UKIP.
And black-eyed children spread Ebola, probably.
Such are the facts…
Posted: 10th, October 2014 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink