
Anorak News | Scared St Paul’s School pupils go about London in disguise

Scared St Paul’s School pupils go about London in disguise

by | 3rd, December 2014

Pupils at St Paul’s School, in Barnes, London, are in disguise:

They are being told to wear hooded tops as they journey to and from the school so they blend in more easily with other local teenagers. It is believed criminal gangs are targeting the boys at the £22,000-a-year school because they think they are carrying expensive items. One parent told the said there have been as many as 14 muggings in the past few weeks.

She said: “If anything they could get into trouble with teachers for keeping their uniform on these days. The mugging problem has become very bad lately.” Teachers are now reportedly keeping watch on nearby Hammersmith Bridge as muggers target boys on either end because they know there is no way of escape.

In case any local toughs have troubles identifying the St Paul’s lids, the Evenign Standard is here to help:

Boys at the school usually wear charcoal grey trousers, a white shirt, a school tie with their corresponding house and a black blazer for formal events.

Of course, that’s now what the local truants wear. The St Paul’s mob are going about in a less inflamtory get up:


st paul's

Posted: 3rd, December 2014 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink