
Anorak News | Oh, yes he did: Lionel Blair is not appearing in panto because all adults are suspected sex criminals

Oh, yes he did: Lionel Blair is not appearing in panto because all adults are suspected sex criminals

by | 8th, December 2014

Dancer Lionel Blair with his wife Susan and their new born son Daniel. Ref #: PA.7291791  Date: 14/08/1968

Dancer Lionel Blair with his wife Susan and their new born son Daniel.
Ref #: PA.7291791. Date: 14/08/1968


Lionel Blair is not appearing in panto. He explains why:

Case one: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang:

 ‘There was this one little boy who used to come up to me every night to give me a hug and in the end I had to say to the matron, ‘I love him but will you please stop him doing that? It only takes one stagehand to say ‘Lionel Blair is touching the kids backstage’ and that’s your career over. So I had to stop it. It’s awful, so sad, because I adore children.”

Case 2: Oh, no he didn’t. Lionel asked a seven-year-old boy his name at a Stockport panto.

Boy: “If you touch my nuts, you’re dead.”

Traditional names are best…

Posted: 8th, December 2014 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink