
Anorak News | Trees get email in Melbourne

Trees get email in Melbourne

by | 9th, December 2014

Can you hear the trees talking? No. Maybe you should try writing to them. It turns out that trees love to email:

SOME might think they are barking mad, but sappy Melburnians have started emailing trees.

And sometimes they reply.

In what is believed to be a world first, Melbourne City Council says all of its 70,000 trees can be contacted and wants more people to join the “correspondence program” set up to connect people with the green environment.

So far, emails seen by the Herald Sun include conversations about moving overseas, Melbourne’s weather and even the Brownlow.

One emailer told a tree: “I am stuck inside and am so jealous of you soaking up the sun. You seem to be having a ball out there.”

The Chinese elm replied: “Sorry that you are stuck inside. I am really enjoying stretching my stomata and giving my chloroplasts a good workout. I spent the weekend well hydrated and preparing for the summer ahead.”

No word from the Christmas trees yet…


Posted: 9th, December 2014 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink