
Anorak News | Copyright crims: Universal sues prisoners over mix tapes

Copyright crims: Universal sues prisoners over mix tapes

by | 9th, January 2015

Chances are that if you are being sent mix tapes in prison you are not all that rich. But Universal music wants its cut of the pie. It wants prisoners to pay for those mixes:

“Such so-called ‘mixtapes,’ unless authorised by the copyright owner or owner of corresponding state law rights, are nothing more than collections of infringing, piratical compilations of copyrighted or otherwise legally protected sound recordings and copyrighted musical composition.”

So says Universal.

If you’ve bought the CD and want to share it with a friend – much as you might lend someone a book or a newspaper – you can’t.



Posted: 9th, January 2015 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink