
Anorak News | Phi Kappa Psi are criminals-in-waiting: University of Virginia implements nutzoid rules for innocent students

Phi Kappa Psi are criminals-in-waiting: University of Virginia implements nutzoid rules for innocent students

by | 13th, January 2015

change uva


Rolling Stone magazine’s story of a gang rape at Universty of Virgina was wrong. No crime happened. But something changed. After ‘Jackie’ claimed she was gang-raped on Sept. 28, 2012 by seven members of Phi Kappa Psi, the Greek fraternity was suspended.

Their fraternity house was damaged by angry students.

And now the story has been debunked, the Phi Kappa Psi is back in the game. But the rules have changed. Universersity president Teresa Sullivan has created a new Fraternal Organization Agreement Aimed to Enhance Safety.

University of Virginia President Teresa A. Sullivan authorized today (Jan. 6) new addenda to the University’s Fraternal Organization Agreement that were submitted by the four student-led Greek leadership councils. The new addenda outline specific practices that each fraternity and sorority will put in place to enhance the safety of their members and guests.

So. More rules. But there was no crime.

Here are a few highlights of the rules:

The following regulations are applied to all fraternity functions. A “fraternity function” is defined as any event sponsored, organized, or hosted by the chapter that runs past 9:00 pm and at which more than 50% of the chapter’s members are present and the number of guests exceeds (Tier I events) or approximately matches (Tier II events) the number of brothers present, excluding all events hosted at a third-party venue licensed in accordance with Virginia law.

1. Providing Resources to Guests: Sober brother monitors
a. A minimum of 3 brothers must be sober and lucid at each fraternity function.

i. “Sober and lucid” is defined as a brother acting without influence of any substance.

ii. At least one each of the above sober brothers must be present at each point of alcohol distribution and another at the stairs leading to residential rooms.

iii. In addition to the required monitors outlined above, fraternities must provide an additional sober brother monitor for every 30 members of the chapter, as derived by adding the number of active brothers and new members.

iv. At least three of the sober monitors must be non-first year brothers.

v. All monitors must wear a designated identifier, which will remain consistent across all IFC chapters.

b. The chapter must submit two formalized risk management plans to the Inter- Fraternity Council at the beginning of each semester.

i. The two plans will delineate safety procedures for events hosted before
(daytime) and after (nighttime) 9:00 pm.

ii. The plans must include the emergency management procedures.

c. Functions must be registered with the IFC by 11:59 pm on the preceding Tuesday.. Reducing High-Risk Drinking: Alcohol, distribution, and alternatives

a. Beer may be served, unopened in its original can.

b. Wine may be served upon request, poured visibly at the bar by a sober brother.

c. Pre-mixed drinks, punches, or any other common source of alcohol are prohibited.

d. At Tier I events, hard liquor may not be served unless the fraternity hires a bartender
employed by a third-party licensed by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board in
accordance with Virginia law.

e. At Tier II events, hard liquor may be brought by individuals and placed at a central bar
location, overseen by a sober brother (see 3(a)).

f. Fraternities must provide bottled water readily available at every beverage distribution
location and food at a minimum of one distribution location.

3. Eliminating Discomfort and Chaos: Entry management

a. At Tier I events, a security agent provided by an IFC-approved vendor must remain at the
entry point throughout the duration of the function.

b. A printed list provided to the security agent by the fraternity must exclusively dictate
approved guests for the function. At Tier II events, the fraternity must manage entry with a
guest list.

4. Increased Oversight and Awareness: Residences and rooms

a. The sober brother charged with monitoring the stairs must have immediate key access to each
room in the fraternity house during the social function.

5. As with every year, the FOA will be reviewed by the IFC and the Office of the Dean of
Students over the summer. On May 15, 2015, these changes specifically will undergo a
critical assessment from the IFC before new FOAs are signed at the beginning of the
fall of 2015.

Party on!

Posted: 13th, January 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink