
Anorak News | The Daily Mail’s got it in for Chelsea

The Daily Mail’s got it in for Chelsea

by | 13th, February 2015

Does the Daily Mail have problem with Cheslea FC?

Yesterday the paper led with a question: did Chelsea’s Branislav Ivanovic bite Everton’s James McCarthy. The paper provided some pictorial evidence to help readers best answer:


Branislav Ivanovic bites


No. There was no bite. Only the Mail suggested there had been. The Mail also said Ivanovic had “throttled” McCarthy and possibly headbutted him.

But he didn’t do either of those things, either.

And the Mail, rather than deferring to the FA’s panel of experts (three former referees), calls it a “CHOKE” and states that Ivanocic choked McCarthy, which he didn’t. There was no “throttling”, either.




The Mail’s Neil Ashton uses this as evidence that Chelsea manager “Jose Mourinho has got rivals and game’s rulers on the run…” The Mail declares:” TIME TO STOP JOSE MADNESS.”

There can be little doubt that Mourinho is an irritant. Graceless is victory and snide in defeat, Mourinho cultivates an us-against-the-world philosophy. The professional and low-profile Ivanovic shares nothing of his talented manager’s bitchiness. Conflating the two – seeking punishment for the amiable Serb because the chippy Portuguese has gets up their nose – goes against the rules of fair play.

The Mail omits to mention that Everton provided no evidence of that “bite”.


Chelsea Ivanovic Jose



Meanwhile, over in the Times, there is other news: “Chelsea face more FA woe after scuffle with Everton.”


Chelsea ban


So. About that Mail news on how Chelsea get away with it. They don’t.


Posted: 13th, February 2015 | In: Chelsea, Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink