
Anorak News | BBC News just interviewed a dog: Russell Brand is away

BBC News just interviewed a dog: Russell Brand is away

by | 13th, February 2015

dog on the telly

“Yes. I can dance. But why do you ask?”


THE BBC News is here to inform all its viewers.  Bounce is on the telly. He’s there to explain how dog’s think. And if he can attract other dogs and toddlers to watch the news, then “WOOF!”

The actual story behind this news item is a study by human researchers at Messerli Research Institute’s Clever Dog Lab in Vienna says dogs can read human expressions. They can tell if you are happy or sad.


bounce 1


Note: the dog is only standing in until Russell Brand returns.

Posted: 13th, February 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink