
Anorak News | Anzor Gubashev and Zaur Dadaev confess to killing Boris Nemtsov

Anzor Gubashev and Zaur Dadaev confess to killing Boris Nemtsov

by | 7th, March 2015

Kommersant is reporting that the people arrested on suspicion of murdering Boris Nemtsov, Russia’s opposition leader, have already confessed.

Anzor Gubashev and Zaur Dadaev are in the confession box. They are said to be from the North Caucuses, perhaps Chechnya and Kabardino-Balkaria. They have, reportedly, confessed to shooting Mr Nemtsov in the back four times as he strolled within sights of the Kremlin.

In Russian policing is swift and just.

The BBC reports:

Russian investigators have publicly offered multiple motives ranging from Nemtsov’s business dealings to his condemnation of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris.

What about suicide?

Nemtsov was killed just days before a march he was organising against the war in Ukraine.

He had also been drafting a report expected to expose covert Russian military involvement in the conflict…

One Russian MP, Nikolai Kovalyov, told Ria-Novosti news agency that the key thing was to “find out who ordered this assassination”.

The British remain insanely jealous of superior Russian policing:




Posted: 7th, March 2015 | In: Reviews 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink