
Anorak News | Forget the #TekTimeCov murder: the real crime was on SnapChat

Forget the #TekTimeCov murder: the real crime was on SnapChat

by | 15th, March 2015



ews of a teenager stabbed to death outside a Coventry nightclub is reported thus in the Daily Mirror:

 Sick revellers ‘took photos of teenager dying from stab wounds and posted them on SnapChat’

Those “revellers” are unlikley have been revelling in a young’s man death outside Society nightclub in Coventry. And as for spotting the sickos, might that not be a word best used to describe the victim’s killer or killers?

Sam Adams writes of horror are the #TekTimeCov night out:

Sick revellers took photos of a teenager as he died from stab wounds outside a nightclub and posted them on SnapChat, it’s been claimed.

Who made the claim? And why is a claim headline news when the fact of a teenager’s death should be?

Taking to social media, one reveller claimed eyewitness were taking photos of the murder victim on their phones whilst he lay dying.

One apparent eywitness says others were taking photos:

@CurtisGoooodwin tweeted: “f*g disgusting, someone was stabbed outside club in Coventry gasping for breath and all people cared about was snap-chatting #society”

The Coventry Telegraph also leads with the SnapChat story:

Police also investigating claims people took Snapchat photos of the male victim as he lay dying in the street

Is taking photos a crime worthy of police time when a killer is on the loose? Or are police investigating in case the SnapChatters photographed the killer?

A spokesman for the force said: “We are actively seeking witnesses and will be following up those lines of enquiry. It’s extremely unpleasant, but it’s not central to the investigation at the moment.”

So. There you have it: the mainstream media spins a story about the horrific killing of an innocent man into an attack on clubbers and social media users. But how does the Daily Mirror report on murder or a stabbing?


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You can look – you can titilated / shocked by horrific criems – so long as the images you see are filted by the Daily Mirror or CCTV.

And as for the old media being there only for the public good and not to entertain and sensationalise, how about this on the BBC:


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If you know who did it, call the police.


Posted: 15th, March 2015 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink