
Anorak News | Zayn Malik: sex, drugs and other reasons he left One Direction

Zayn Malik: sex, drugs and other reasons he left One Direction

by | 27th, March 2015

Zayn Malik drugs


We’ve heard many reasons why Zayn Malik left One Direction: he wanted their next song to be about crystal meth; he realised that depsite the money and the fame One Direction isn’t a proper band; he bought a second album and learnt that he wasn’t singing The Best Song Ever; and so on.

Radar online alleges he was kicked out for being tired an emotional. A source claims:

“Zayn’s alcohol and drug use became a huge problem. They gave him every opportunity to clean up his act, but he just couldn’t do it. He’s been going down fast and an intervention was needed. It was decided that it was best for him to go and take care of him for right now.”

If that act was any cleaner One Direction would squeak when they walked.

Malik says that’s untrue, telling the world:

“I am leaving because I want to be a normal 22-year-old who is able to relax and have some private time out of the spotlight.”

What we need is to hear from Zayn. And the Sun has the scoop, leading with “The Only Interview”.

Over two pages, we are told what Dan Wootton discussed with Zayn Malik over the phone:

Zayn: “I feel that I’ve let the fans down but I can’t do this anymore.”

Zayne: “I’ve never felt more in control of my own life.”

Zayne: “I feel good”

He sayd he and the rest of the One Diretion ensemble get on great.

Zayne: “I think they’re  going to do okay for a while, do you know what I eman? I think they’re going to be cool.”

After so much blather, Dan Wootton says, “No questions are off limits during our chat.”

Great news. So. Did he cheat on his lover Perrie with Edwards with Lauren Richardson? Dunno. Wootton never asks.

What we get is:

Zayn: “Yeah, she’s alright, man. She’s a good girl.”

Did he take drugs and too much drink? Dunno. Wootton never asks.

What we do get to know is the news that Zayn is recording a solo single with producer Naughty Boy. And he might try ‘rapping’.


Zayn, Zayn

Went away

You’re the bad one

Whose the gay? 


Oh, come on, we’ve all seen this before…


Posted: 27th, March 2015 | In: Celebrities 2 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink