
Anorak News | Poli-pix: Ed Miliband vanishes from the Daily Mirror and picks his nose in The Sun

Poli-pix: Ed Miliband vanishes from the Daily Mirror and picks his nose in The Sun

by | 15th, April 2015

Poli-Pix: a daily look at biased tabloid photos of the leading politicians.


Daily Mirror

nigel farage


The Daily Mirror has not a single photograph of Ed Miliband. Not one. You know your man is a vote loser when he’s kept hidden. The Labour supporting newspaper does, however, have this shot of UKIP leader Nigel Farage.

The Mirror has one photo each of David Cameron and his wife Samantha.


The Sun

It’s Ed Miliband all the way in the Sun.

Ed is ‘Purple” – which is the colour of UKIP.


ed miliband red.


It gets worse for Miliband. He’s spotted fingering his nose. And just for old time’s sake, the Sun treats its readers to that photo of ‘normal’ Ed eating a bacon sarnie.


ed miliband picks nose


David Cameron, meanwhile, is a hero. He’s ‘Buzz Five Years”.


sun cameron


Inside and Dave’s joined by George Osborne and Samantha Cameron in “Tory Story 2”. “Reach for the sky,” says Osborne in the manner of a highway robber or a mum trying to takea  T-shirt off a toddler.


cameron the sun buzz


Daily Express

The Express has no photo of Miliband. It does however have shots of smiling Nigel Farage, smiling David Cameron and smiling Sam Cameron.







Daily Mail

Here’s Ed picking his nose.


ed miliband nose


And here are Sam Cam smiling and Dave Cam pointing.




More poli-pix tomnorrow…


Posted: 15th, April 2015 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink