There’s a gay version of Hooters called Tallywackers
America is all about equlity. There’s even a gay version of tits-in-vests chain Hooters. It’s not called Cooters (blame Old Mr Anorak for that arcane suggestion), Knobs or Gonads. It’s called… Tallywackers. And if you answer this ad on Craigslist., who can be catching a chill in Dallas’ “Newest and most exciting place to be”.
Tallywackers are looking for “bartenders, servers, cooks, bus boys, and hosts”.
Maybe when you’re there you can ask who came up with that name and if they were listening to this at the time. Pass the banana a la mode, big boy:
Spotter: Eater
Posted: 21st, April 2015 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink