
Anorak News | On Direction: Louis Tomlinson does something really dull

On Direction: Louis Tomlinson does something really dull

by | 24th, April 2015



Pop Star Takes Drugs! Like you, we too are shocked by the Sun’s front-page news that Louis Tomlinson, of One Direction, has wiled away the time by rolling “what appears to be a joint”. It is a “cannabis storm” – which sounds great it you’re a stoner. The real shock in this story, however, is that Tomlinson should be filmed skinning up mainstream, stupifying drugs in “the four-star Soho Hotel”.

We live in straigthened times, readers. Once upon a time, pop stars did imaginative things with pricey drugs and fish in expansive five-star suites or low-down dens in debauchery. Now we are expected to be excited by a pop star sharing a cab with some mates and billing up in a mid-ranking hotel one review damns are being popular with “media types”.

If he were any more middle-of-the-road and Louis Timlinson would be a dead hedgehog…






Posted: 24th, April 2015 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink