
Anorak News | Liverpool keep Jordan Henderson but will Nivea stick by their man?

Liverpool keep Jordan Henderson but will Nivea stick by their man?

by | 25th, April 2015

Jordan Henderson Nivea


Jordan Henderson has penned a new five-year deal to play for Liverpool. Good news for Liverpool fans. And at £100,0o0-a-week, it’s good news for Henderson, who will just be able to afford a season ticket at top-flight boxing. (Tickets for the Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao’s fight are yours for £100,000 each. It makes £60 to watch your team play Arsenal at the Emirates look like a steal.)

Writing in the Times, Giles Smith wonders if Henderson is going to re-sign for another of his clients: Nivea.

…a deal that has already yielded comedy gold. Indeed, if there was a Bafta for Best Look To Camera By A Footballer In A Narrative-Based Commercial (and now there should be), Henderson would have swept it away for a lifetime.

It is a cracker:



But what does it all mean for men? It’s the decline of man: the steady emasculation of our role models.

Posted: 25th, April 2015 | In: Liverpool, Reviews, Sports, The Consumer Comment | TrackBack | Permalink