
Anorak News | China’s Window of the World amusement park offers a cremation simulator

China’s Window of the World amusement park offers a cremation simulator

by | 8th, May 2015

"Chinese theme park sets up 'death simulator' where volunteers can experience being cremated

‘You have to be this long to die’


Chinese looking for a thrill can take the “death simulator” at the Window of the World amusement park in Shenzhen, China. The Indy reports:

Once inside (a coffin), players are then blasted by hot air (up to 40C) and light to create an “authentic experience of burning,” according to its creators, Huange Weiping and Ding Rui.

When the “burning” is over, volunteers see a womb projected on the ceiling and must crawl until they reach a large, white padded area – supposedly representing a womb – where they are “reborn”.

It’s a bit like getting a fake tan in your clothes…



Posted: 8th, May 2015 | In: Strange But True, The Consumer 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink