
Anorak News | Watch a man play the guitar as surgeons operate on his brain

Watch a man play the guitar as surgeons operate on his brain

by | 5th, June 2015


To Brazil, where Anthony Kulkamp Dias is playing the guitar as surgeons operate on his brain. Doctors wanted to monitor Mr Dias’ cognitive functions during the surgery. Playing a guitar was his idea.

The 20-year-old strummed Yesterday by The Beatles and a tune he wrote for his young son.

Kulkamp Dias tells The Telegraph:

“I played six soongs at certain times. My right hand was a bit weaker because that was the side that they were operating on. So I stopped and rested. I was interspersing songs and talking with them… The doctors asked me to repeat one of the country songs, so I even had an encore.”

Spotter: NY Daily News

Posted: 5th, June 2015 | In: Strange But True, Technology Comment | TrackBack | Permalink