
Anorak News | Transfer Balls: Manchester United’s 25m bid for Spurs Lloris in euros and pounds

Transfer Balls: Manchester United’s 25m bid for Spurs Lloris in euros and pounds

by | 23rd, June 2015

lloris hugo


Transfer Balls: how much will Manchester Untied need to pay Spurs to sign Hugo Lloris?

Daily Mirror: “Manchester United transfers: Hugo Lloris given ‘verbal agreement’ on sale if Tottenham received £18m bid”

The Metro: “Manchester United ‘to make £25million transfer bid for Hugo Lloris very soon’

Such are the facts when the Metro can’t work out the difference between euros and pounds.

The story is rooted in L’Equipe, which reports that Lloris has an agreement that Spurs will sell him if a bid for €25m (£17.8m) arrives.

Posted: 23rd, June 2015 | In: Sports, Spurs 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink