
Anorak News | Doctors find 50-year-old foetus inside 92-year-old woman

Doctors find 50-year-old foetus inside 92-year-old woman

by | 24th, June 2015

fetus woman 50 years old


It was news to the 92-year-old Chilean woman that a 50-year-old foetus was inside her abdomen. The BBC says that after a fall, doctors x-rayed the woman. They found no broken bones – but they did discover a calcified fetus weighing 4.4 lb.

Inquisitr explains:

Known as a lithopedion, sometimes called a “stomach rock” or a “stone child,” this is a rare occurrence affecting just a few women. “Litho” comes from the Greek word that means “stone,” and the suffix “pedion” (also Greek) means “child.” This happens when the fertilized egg is implanted outside of the uterus (known as an ectopic pregnancy).

The medics did not remove the foetus.

Well, she’d not be the first woman to have a middle-aged man invading her personal space.



Posted: 24th, June 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink