
Anorak News | Dogs owners in Italy forced to carry bottles for dog wee

Dogs owners in Italy forced to carry bottles for dog wee

by | 16th, July 2015

dog wee italyReasons to get a cat No. 549: dog owners in Piacenza, northern Italy, can now be fined up to €500 (£350, $550) for not cleaning up after their pet… urinates.

Cats, who wee in your coffee when you’re not looking (fact!), once more escape the laws. And dogs get it in the hind quarters.

Local mayor Paolo Dosi says the rules will mean dog-owners will be forced to to take a bottle of water with them whenever they walk their pets.

For male dogs, this seems doable, although tricky and a little too involving. For female dogs, a small frying pan should suffice.

But reading on we learn that Dosi does not want dog owners to harvest the pee in bottles, rather wash down any urine with water. This will ensure a more even distribution of urine and that all of Piacenza stinks of hot piss and not just the raised areas.

Posted: 16th, July 2015 | In: Politicians, Reviews, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink