
Anorak News | Man creates great cat feeding machine that means feline must hunt for dinner (Video)

Man creates great cat feeding machine that means feline must hunt for dinner (Video)

by | 7th, August 2015


Ben Millam, a self-styled “aspiring geek”, has created a cat feeding machine. If Ben’s pet feline Monkey wants to eat he must hunt for RFID-tagged white plastic balls placed strategically around the home.

When Monkey finds a ball, he needs to place it into a bowl atop the machine. This triggers a release of food.


cat feeding machine


Ben explains:

So instead of feeding my cat, I hide these balls around the house… This all started after I read an explanation of why cats go about repeatedly exploring the same areas: it’s partly to establish and survey their territory, but they’re also practicing ‘mobile’ hunting: moving about, being curious, and poking their noses around in the hopes of upsetting potential prey and finding a meal. So what if my cat, while out on patrol, actually found its prey? Surely this would bring him one step closer towards a more fulfilled and self-actualized indoor kitty existence.

Spotter: Digg

Posted: 7th, August 2015 | In: Reviews, Technology 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink