
Anorak News | Chelsea: Eva Carneiro flaunts her curves in naughty doctor and ‘secretary’ gear

Chelsea: Eva Carneiro flaunts her curves in naughty doctor and ‘secretary’ gear

by | 13th, August 2015

Eva Carneiro


More on Eva Carneiro, the Chelsea club doctor compared to a “secretary” by team manager Jose Mourinho.


Carneiro is aware of her gender:

“In every medical television programme I have ever watched in my life, the female doctor is hyper-sexualised. She goes off with Tom Cruise and it is all happy endings. Or she is not present.” 


Or as the Daily Mail puts it:

Dressing up as a sexy Cleopatra and getting soaked in the ice bucket challenge: How the alluring Chelsea doctor Eva Carneiro became the most talked-about woman in football

Her pre-Raphaelite curls and toned figure have attracted the attention of many a fan but little is known about her love life

Nothing to do with sex, then.

In other news, the Mail notes:

FA urge fans to report sexist abuse after ‘horrible’ footage emerges of Chelsea club doctor Eva Carneiro being abused

If in doubt, blame the fans.

The referee’s a w***ker…


Posted: 13th, August 2015 | In: Chelsea, Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink