Free speech: watch bigots on both sides at Liverpool’s National Action White Man March
There was a chance for anti-fascists to dust off the football-style chants in Liverpool when the neo-Nazi National Action held a White Man March.
It was always going to be nasty. The Liverpool mayor tweeted a letter he’d received:
The threatening blackmail letter from National Action Group to Liverpool. Racist thugs. #loveworldinoneCity
— Joe Anderson (@joeforliverpool) August 9, 2015
It threatened:
“If our march is stopped or heavy handed policing tactics are employed against us, your city will go up in flames. It’s fairly easy to do this, 3 or 4 people in 3 or 4 ethnically enriched areas after dark wearing masks & gloves, a few niggers beaten up, a few cars set on fire & a few shops smashed & your own non-whites will erupt like a volcano, all we have to do is prove them”.
That’s it’s pretty much the kind of view the Government’s has of working-class whites, who are always a race riot waiting to happen. It’s why any footballer who utters a racist word is held up an “role model” whom the proles slavishly follow, paying no heed to their own morals, friends and ethics as they hunt the Jew, black and Muslim.
The Liverpool Echo says what happened:
Neo-nazis who were chased out of Liverpool after hiding in a left luggage office in Lime Street station from protestors say they plan to return to the city.
Here’s one video. The adapted football chants include:
“If it wan’t for the bizzies you’d be dead”
The video contains swearing. It also features the filmer abusing a black officer because, apparently, defending the right to protest when you’re non-white is unforgivable.
Now spot the bigotry and the equality:
The better chant was:
“Master race, you’re having a laugh”
In the Indy, Kevin Maxwell says:
The humiliation of neo-Nazis in Liverpool makes me proud to be a Scouser
He had us right up this line:
I’m all for free speech and tolerating other people’s beliefs, however unpalatable they may be. But…
No buts. It’s either freedom of speech or it isn’t freedom at all.
At the time of writing this is the top comment beneath Maxwell’s Indy article:
Let the bigots talk. Ridicule them. Don’t ban them.
Free speech. No buts.
Now altogher: “Master race, you’re havin’ a laugh…”
Posted: 17th, August 2015 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink