
Anorak News | Watch: In 1987 Margaret Thatcher reviewed records on a BBC kids TV show

Watch: In 1987 Margaret Thatcher reviewed records on a BBC kids TV show

by | 20th, August 2015

Margaret Thatcher Saturday Superstore


In 1987, Maggie Thatcher was well into her second term as British Prime Minister. With an election looming – which she won – Thatcher thought it a good idea to appear on the BBC’s Saturday morning show Saturday Superstore. 

Dressed in uniform ‘hearing-aide beige’, Maggie would seduce the mums and dads to her cause and turn the kids on to politics. She tooks calls. One caller, an Alison Standfast, asked her, “Where will you be if nuclear war breaks out?” Maggie said she’d be in London, possibly stood amidst the ruins in a blackened concrete hellscape. It’d be awful but at least she could finally empathise with the miners.



Incidentally, Maggie wasn’t the most right-wing personality on show. That honour goes to presenter Mike Read, the BBC Radio DJ who released this record in praise of UKIP (remember them?). For resons unclear, Read sang his tune in a West Indian accent, like Max Bygraves.


Posted: 20th, August 2015 | In: Key Posts, Politicians, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink