
Anorak News | Other parents: police hunt family who left their baby inside a hotel room safe

Other parents: police hunt family who left their baby inside a hotel room safe

by | 21st, August 2015

baby locked in safeYou want to look after your kids, prevent harm befalling them and keep them safe. But keeping them in an actual safe might be a tad over-protective.

Police in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, are looking for the parents of a baby found locked inside a safe at the Howard Johnson Hotel.

The family had approached the hotel’s cleaning staff in a panicked state at approximately 10am, saying their child was trapped in a safe in one of the three rooms. It took maintenance workers approximately 20 minutes to free the baby. Police say the baby was alert and crying at the time. It’s believed the family had difficulty communicating with hotel staff. “They did have a language barrier,” Det. Const. Amanda Sanders said. “And there was an incident that happened inside with one of the safes…  the incident may have been nothing more than a preventable accident.”

Sources say they were from Brooklyn, New York. So much for the language barrier. That’s understandable, eh. But the mind reels as to how a baby accidentally gets locked inside a hotel room safe.

We might never know – the family left before the police arrived.



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Posted: 21st, August 2015 | In: Reviews, Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink