Watch the making of Moray McLaren’s gorgeous video for We Got Time
The video to Moray McLaren’s We Got Time features lovely animations. What you see is not reliant on modern cameras and computers. What you see is what was filmed.
Londoner David Wilson tells us how it was done:
All the animations seen in the music video were created in camera. No stopframe techniques, or computer super-imposing was used; what you see is what rolled off the camera. The animations in the side-on views were produced by the camera capturing the moving reflections from the mirrored carousels, and the animations in the top-down views were created by matching the cameras frame rate to that of spinning record. The transitions between each section of animation was created by simply cutting or wiping between the bits of footage.
And shows us:
Posted: 25th, August 2015 | In: Music, Reviews, Technology 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink