Transfer Balls: Chelsea want Guardiola who agrees to join Manchester City unless sharks eat Mourinho
Transfer balls: as the Press pile in on Jose Mourinho, the Telegraph says Bayern Munich manager Pep Guardiola, 44, is Chelsea’s first-choice replacement for the argumentative Portuguese.
He is? Says who?
Matt Law reports:
Intermediaries, working independently and not at the request of Abramovich or Chelsea, are already attempting to gauge whether Guardiola would be interested in taking over at Stamford Bridge when his Bayern Munich contract expires at the end of the season. They want to be in a position to hand Guardiola to the Blues owner if Mourinho is sacked.
Eh? Who are these intermediaries who have nothing to do with Chelsea? They sound a lot like agents, sharks or both. Can’t Guardiola speak for himself? Can’t Abramovich just call him and ask, or call Bayern and go through them? On what planet does football operate?
Of course, it is all utter balls. After all, the British Press has already told us that Pep has agreed to join Manchester City. Yes, some of the headlines linking Pep to City are phrased as a questions but in the SEO-run world of online journalism, Google doesn’t see the question mark:
Such are the facts…
Posted: 26th, October 2015 | In: Chelsea, Manchester City, Reviews, Sports 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink