
Anorak News | If we are at war with ISIS why is Shilan Ozcelik in prison?

If we are at war with ISIS why is Shilan Ozcelik in prison?

by | 3rd, December 2015

Silhan ÖzçelikShilan Ozcelik is in a British prison? Her crime was to try to join the PPK in fighting ISIS in Syria.

In November, Shilan, 18, from north London, was stuffed behind bars following her conviction for trying to join the campaign against Isis jihadis in Syria.

Get your head around that, if you can.

Read this and wonder why she’s in prison:

There was no evidence Özçelik had joined the PKK, made contact with PKK members or travelled to Turkey or Syria before she returned to Britain from Cologne in Germany in January 2015 and was arrested at Stansted airport…

Sentencing her to 21 months in a young offender institution, the judge, John Bevan, described her as “a stupid, feckless and deeply dishonest young woman”…

She would have to live with the “long lasting consequences of a conviction for terrorism”, he added .

Better had she joined the British Army and then demanded they don’t bomb the enemy only from the skies, but also meet them face to face on the ground.

Her friend Mark Campbell puts it well:

“Her family who had contacted authorities for help to bring her home, instead found her being pursued with criminal charges. With the government trying to get support for launching attacks on Isis this is really not the time to be prosecuting a young girl whose intention was to fight Isis. It sends out completely the wrong message and I would urge the Home Secretary to release her now.”

It’s insane.

Posted: 3rd, December 2015 | In: Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink