
Anorak News | Manchester United balls: Di Maria beats Chelsea and hammers Van Gaal in the Daily Mirror

Manchester United balls: Di Maria beats Chelsea and hammers Van Gaal in the Daily Mirror

by | 17th, February 2016

Di MAria daily mirror


The Daily Mirror is at pains to tell its readers how good a football Angela Di Maria is. The aim is less to praise the Argentine player than it is to make his disappointing time at Manchester United look like the fault of his former manager, Louis Van Gaal. Last night Di Maria was part of the PSG side that defeated Chelsea 2-1 in the Champions League. Ben Burrows lays it on thick:

Manchester United should be kicking themselves

Whatever Louis van Gaal thinks, Angel Di Maria is an exquisitely fine footballer. Tonight in Paris the Argentine showed everyone, including his former employers, all of the quality that made him the Champions League final’s man of the match just two short seasons ago. In the hosts’ early blitz, the 28-year-old was central to everything PSG did well, which was an awful lot.

And he was tremendous thereafter too, providing the game-winning assist no less. Unsettled or homesick or whatever, he certainly looks a player United could do with right about now.

Whatever Louis Van Gaal thinks… What about what the Daily Mirror thinks?


di maria


Di Maria was, according to the Mirror, the worst PSG player on the pitch.

Posted: 17th, February 2016 | In: Back pages, Chelsea, Sports 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink