
Anorak News | Daily Star replaces ‘banned’ Easter eggs with chocolate balls

Daily Star replaces ‘banned’ Easter eggs with chocolate balls

by | 23rd, March 2016

easter egg banBig news in the Daily Star.

PC Chocolate makers ban ’Easter’ from eggs. CHOCOLATE firms have banned the word “Easter” from their eggs to avoid offending non-Christians…

Really? Are Rastafarians that upset by ‘Easter’?

Cadbury is now selling a Dairy Milk “Egg Hunt Pack” while Nestlé advertises Aero’s “chocolate egg with bubbly bars”.

No mention of the word Easter on either of those treats.

Sainsbury’s has also joined the political correctness trend by selling its own brand “milk chocolate egg”. The E-word is apparently so offensive…

The E-word. We get the F-word, the N-word and the C-word, but the E-word is a new one. One day ever letter will get its own taboo word.

This prompted “angry and frustrated” campaigner David Marshall to set up the Meaningful Chocolate Company, in which his Fairtrade charity “Real Easter Egg” puts the religious message on to the packaging.

As epithets go “angry and frustrated” is pretty good. But does the anger create good eggs? Is anger and frustration what Jesus would have wanted? Says Mr Marshall:

“It’s deeply disappointing and shameful that some of the biggest companies in the country are censoring the centuries’ old tradition. It shows they’re insensitive and uncomfortable with the Christian faith.”

Deep into the story we hear from Nestlé, whose spokeswoman “argued”:

“There has been no deliberate decision to drop the word Easter from our products.”

A Cadbury spokeswoman “stressed”:

“We do not have a policy to drop Easter from our eggs.”

So, no policy to remove the word Easter from eggs, then.

On the Sainsbury’s website, the products desription for the Cadbury’s eggs tells us:

Easter egg trail pack. This fun Easter egg hunt pack contains 10 Cadbury milk chocolate hollow eggs and a bag of treatsize Mini Eggs as the main prize

On the Cadbury’s website, we get:


easter egg  cadbury


Such are the facts.

Posted: 23rd, March 2016 | In: Reviews, Tabloids 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink