
Anorak News | David Cameron, tax havens and other Guardian news

David Cameron, tax havens and other Guardian news

by | 8th, April 2016

Cameron guardian tax


Big news in the Guardian on David Cameron’s tax affairs:

David Cameron’s father sought legal advice on best tax havens

Did Ian Cameron, for it is he, seek advice from the same experts who advise the, er, Guardian? And isn’t seeking legal advice entirely sensible? We might not like schemes designed to cut tax bills, see them as “morally wrong” (source: Da. Cameron), but when did trying to stay on the right side of the law become a “revelation”?

In other news: corruption, Russian names, Chinese bigwigs, Middle Eastern despots and nutzoid amounts of cash squirrelled away in moves facilitated by London-based companies.

Posted: 8th, April 2016 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Politicians, Reviews 5 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink