
Anorak News | Suits you David Cameron: The Guardian gets it wrong on tax

Suits you David Cameron: The Guardian gets it wrong on tax

by | 10th, April 2016

More tax illiteracy in the Guardian, which has seen David Cameron’s tax return:

It’s not all hardship, though. The prime minister’s own party supports him where necessary, the returns reveal. Expenses met by the Conservative party have varied between £5,105 and £13,149, which have been declared as taxable benefits. They cover travel, clothes and other associated expenses for Cameron and his wife.

When the PM next berates Jeremy Corbyn over a shabby suit, the Labour leader will be able to reply that, unlike Cameron, he isn’t receiving a taxpayer subsidy for it.

No. He paid tax on his work clothes. Sheesh!

In other news, his m other didn’t fancy leaving her kids with big inheritance tax bill. Nothing illegal.


david cameron money 1 david cameron money


Posted: 10th, April 2016 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Politicians, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink