
Anorak News | Guardian: ‘let’s start a war with Jersey’

Guardian: ‘let’s start a war with Jersey’

by | 12th, April 2016

pirates guardian


How clueless and lacking in direction is the Left? Get this from Polly Tonybee in the Guardian. She’s talking about off-shore tax idylls, like the British Virgin Islands and Jersey:

Today Cameron’s promise fell far short of that genuine transparency. He needs to get tough with the treasure islands and follow Charles de Gaulle’s example. When Monaco refused a tax measure he requested, he forced them to surrender by surrounding the kingdom with soldiers and turning off their water supply.

And you still wonder why the colonialists on the Left all loved Tony Blair?


Polly Tonybee tax

Posted: 12th, April 2016 | In: Broadsheets, Money, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink