
Anorak News | Jeremy Corbyn flying pig news: ‘Labour can win snap General election under my leadership’

Jeremy Corbyn flying pig news: ‘Labour can win snap General election under my leadership’

by | 30th, July 2016

The Guardian creates the world-class clickbait headline: “Jeremy Corbyn: Labour could win snap general election.”

But wait a moment. Did Corbyn actually says it? Does he think Labour can win the General Election?

The Conservative government has had “a field day” amid Labour divisions, Jeremy Corbyn has said in a Guardian interview, while insisting he believes the party could win a snap general election…

…when asked whether Labour could win a potential snap election this autumn or next spring, Corbyn seemed confident. “We’re going to go for it and win it,” he said.

‘Seemed confident’. He seems delusional.


Posted: 30th, July 2016 | In: Broadsheets, Politicians, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink