
Anorak News | Austria’s foreign minister wants refugees to work for one euro an hour

Austria’s foreign minister wants refugees to work for one euro an hour

by | 23rd, August 2016

Can you force refugees to work for the State? Surely not. The Mail looks to Austria:

Austria could be set to force refugees to do menial work for 87p an hour – or risk losing state handouts from the government.

It’s a populist idea in a country where racism is rife. Surely you cannot force asylum seekers to work?

Foreign minister Sebastian Kurz said many asylum seekers were ‘illiterate’ and should be made to carry out mandatory community jobs to help integrate them into society.

They can’t write their names? Let’s hope they know how to spell Kuntz Kutz Kurz.

They would be required to work between 15 and 30 hours a week for just one euro an hour on work like street cleaning and municipal gardening, Kurz said.

Sebastian Kurz, 29, has been Austria’s foreign minister for the past two years. He is a member of the Austrian People’s Party’s (ÖVP).

More here.

Posted: 23rd, August 2016 | In: Politicians, Reviews 0 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink