
Anorak News | Shami Chakrabarti: ‘There are no empty seats on Jeremy Corbyn’s Virgin train’

Shami Chakrabarti: ‘There are no empty seats on Jeremy Corbyn’s Virgin train’

by | 23rd, August 2016

Virgin Trains says Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn was mistaken when he complained about a “completely ram-packed” journey. In his video lament, Corbyn is sat on the floor between carriages.

Virgin has released CCTV images which appear to show Corbyn walking past empty unreserved seats, and later sitting in one.


Corbyn's front bench

Corbyn’s front bench


We now await Her Excellency Dame Shami Chakrabarti to lead an investigation into whether or not there are empty seats on Corbyn’s trains and if Hitler was trying to dodge his fair by hiding in the toilets.


Posted: 23rd, August 2016 | In: Politicians, Reviews 3 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink